
Wersion 1.9

In version 1.9:
-          Ergonomic improvement - dedicated layouts for landscape and portrait screen orientation for option Training.
-          Bug fix in history sorting.


Version 1.7


New version is just released.Main task during this release was to develop good history list. Design was improved and additional information about clears and advices was added. Button advices was added, and other small improvments.



Version 1.2

On 12 of september I released version 1.2 of application.

Version 1.2 changes:

- bug fixes and improvments in generating calculation tasks

- I removed subtraction of same numbers, and repetition of calculation tasks within same training.

- color of History windows was changed to be more readeble

- changes in generation task for multiplication , now first number can be always from 1 to 10, second is constrianed by numbers from configuration.
I am happy to reach 500 downloads from the begining of September.




I have published on Android Market an app, which makes the simple activity - giving maths exercises to my kid - easier.

Main task here is to find calculation result for different types of operations – addition, subtraction, addition with subtraction and multiplication. The exercises are the series of computations (option start training) You can adjust difficulty level by selecting year of education(option class).You can also set the difficulty level, by defining ranges of numbers for each type of computation (option Custom level). Exercises are stored In history file for verification.

The graphic appearance is not sophisticated even simple for making concentration easy.

I wish you many successes with persuading your children to use this program,


Postscript 1. I will be glad to see your commentaries.

Postscript 2. The icons I used in my program are made by the company Iconix. They are used on the licence GPL. I make this program accessible as „freeware”..